6 Tips to Become a Better Storyteller

March 20, 2024 | 3 min read

Storytelling is an ancient art form deeply ingrained in human culture. Whether you're a writer, speaker, marketer, or simply someone who enjoys regaling an audience, mastering the art of storytelling is a valuable skill that can enhance your communication abilities.

Here are 6 essential tips to help you become a better storyteller:


1. Know your audience.

Understanding your audience is the cornerstone of effective storytelling. Tailor your narrative to resonate with their experiences and emotions. Make sure your language and characters are appropriate and accessible to your audience.

Whether you're telling a bedtime story to your kids or writing a novel, adapting your storytelling style will help you connect with your audience on a deeper level.


2. Be personal.

Emotion is the driving force behind memorable stories. Whether it's sadness, fear, or excitement, evoke emotions in your audience to create a powerful connection.

As a famous writer once wrote, "There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed." (This quote has been attributed to Hemingway, but its origins are disputed.)

Whether you're writing fiction or non-fiction, giving a speech or simply telling a story to friends, infusing your story with your own personal experiences will make it that much more impactful.


3. Pay attention to pacing.

A compelling story is built on a solid structure that includes a clear beginning, middle, and end. Of course, that's oversimplifying it, and there are many common story structures in existence. Regardless, you'll need to make sure your story keeps an audience engaged at every step.

No matter what story you're telling, you'll need compelling characters, a vibrant setting, and clear conflict to drive the plot forward.


4. Show, don't tell. (And know when to break the rules.)

You've definitely heard this one before. Instead of simply stating facts or information, it helps to "show" your audience important plot points through dialogue and action. This allows people to experience the story firsthand, engaging their imagination and emotions.

However, no story is without vivid description and narrative. Know when to break this rule to move your story forward and give your audience all information needed to stay engaged.


5. Ask for feedback.

Effective storytelling involves listening, too. Pay attention to the reactions and feedback of your audience, adjusting your storytelling approach accordingly, when necessary.

However, it's important to know when to trust your gut, too. Storytelling is subjective, and not everyone will love your storytelling style. Know when to act on feedback, and when to let it go.

One way to do this is to ask for feedback from mentors or people in your target audience who you trust and respect. This will get you the feedback you need to get better — without getting lost in too many opinions.


6. Practice.

Becoming a better storyteller is a lifelong journey. As with any other skill, having a regular practice is key to growth and improvement.




Storytelling is a powerful tool for communication and connection that transcends boundaries and resonates with audiences of all ages and backgrounds. By honing your storytelling skills, you can become a more compelling narrator capable of captivating and inspiring others.

Every storyteller has their own unique techniques and perspective. Read our latest article to find out: What kind of storyteller are you?

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Beyond its dazzling lightsabers and iconic characters lies a treasure trove for writers: countless invaluable lessons in the art of storytelling expertly served up by creator George Lucas.

We gathered just a few of those lessons for you to get a quick master class in narrative structure and crafting a compelling tale that will resonate across generations.

Here are five invaluable writing tips from one of the most iconic franchises in cinematic history:


George Lucas famously drew inspiration from Joseph Campbell's concept of the "Hero's Journey" when crafting the story of Luke Skywalker.

The concept of the Hero's Journey was first outlined in Campbell's 1949 book, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, as a universal motif of adventure and transformation that runs through virtually all of the world’s mythological traditions. The concept is characterized by a hero who leaves the ordinary world, faces trials, and returns home transformed. Sound familiar?

Today, the Hero's Journey is found all across media — from fairy tales and books to films and video games. In fact, George Lucas has publicly said that he wrote "many drafts" of what would become Star Wars, but it wasn't until he read The Hero with a Thousand Faces that he was able to hone in on what would become the essential story and characters of the saga.

(The two writers even met eventually, and watched the original trilogy together.)

As a writer, consider whether the hero's journey fits your story. The roadmap may not resonate with every writer, but it just might give essential structure to that story you've been trying to tell for years.


At the heart of Star Wars lies a profound exploration of universal themes like redemption, the power of hope, and good versus evil. For example, take the iconic clash between the Jedi and the Sith.

Through characters like Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader, we witness the complexities of morality and the potential for redemption.

By tapping into timeless concepts like these, writers can create narratives that resonate across cultures and generations. Whether your story is set in a galaxy far, far away or in the confines of everyday life, infuse it with themes that speak to the common human experience.


Lucas had a background in visual arts, which heavily influenced his approach to storytelling. But you don't need to be an artist to create a vivid world.

As a writer, strive to visualize your story in your own way, considering how each scene will unfold on the page. Whether through sketches, diagrams, or simply vivid imagination, cultivating a strong visual sense can enhance the impact of your writing — whether you're writing for the screen or for the page.


From the wise mentorship of Obi-Wan Kenobi to the villainous allure of Darth Vader, George Lucas excels at creating characters that resonate with audiences long after the credits roll.

When developing your own characters, focus on crafting individuals with depth, complexity, and memorable traits. Whether they're heroes, villains, or somewhere in between, give your characters distinct personalities, motivations, and arcs that captivate readers' imaginations.

This is especially important when you're working with fantasy creatures or even robots and droids. Think of all the personality traits and the deft personification that make R2-D2 so lovable!


While the final version of Star Wars may seem like a seamless masterpiece, the reality is that it underwent numerous revisions and iterations throughout the creative process.

Lucas wasn't afraid to rework scenes, dialogue, or even entire storylines in pursuit of the best possible outcome.

As a writer, embrace the revision process as an opportunity to refine and improve your work. Be willing to solicit feedback, make tough decisions, and constantly strive for excellence in your craft.


The contributions of Star Wars to the sci-fi genre, and society at large, are immeasurable. By embracing some of the techniques that led to the creation of such a classic, you can level up your storytelling skills and just maybe create what will become the next Star Wars.

So, grab your Freewrite (or lightsaber) and let the Force guide you on your own epic writing journey.